Metasequoia glyptostroboides jack frost
Metasequoia glyptostroboides jack frost

metasequoia glyptostroboides jack frost metasequoia glyptostroboides jack frost

I keep the tree in the garage during the winter. This tree likes lots of water and nothing seems to bother it. Brussels lost a very good customer all because the shipping department was lazy. Needless to say I have not purchased another Brussel Bonsai tree and doubt I ever will again. That’s right folks they chopped the entire apex right off the tree!!!!! It has taken me years to grow a new apex and I am really not happy with what I currently have for an apex. Brussels shipping department chopped 25% of the top right of the tree just to get it into a box. The tree arrived and I opened the box up only to be deeply disappointed with Brussels. Shipping costs were very high a tree of the size which I was ok with. It cost a fair amount of money and so I went ahead got it. I bought the tree from Brussels and it was advertised on Ebay. I have one Metasequoia glyptostroboides – Dawn Redwood Bonsai tree and its a big one.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides jack frost